Pets as Drug-Resistant Bacteria

Pets as Drug-Resistant Bacteria

Pets are the considered as one of the good companions of human beings but can also play a role as Multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) for humans from drugs.

Multi-drug resistant organisms are basically the bacteria that resist drug treatment from more than one type of antibiotic. The bacteria which acts as MDRO gradually evolve and become more potent than the drug being used to treat them.

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According to the reports 1.3 million deaths are recorded which are caused by Drug assistant bacteria and more than 5 million deaths are related to this evolving bacteria.

Cross-infection Risk

According to research done by European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in Copenhagen, the risk of cross-infection through the Drug-assistant bacteria is low.

The study on 2800 hospitalised patients is carried out along with their pets. The study found out that number of such bacteria exist and causing serious health concerns throughout the world.

The genetic sequence method was used in the study to identify the genes of bacteria found. The 30% of patients are identified as having such bacteria. The rate of drug-resistant bacteria is 11% higher than of cats which is 9%.

The drug-resistant bacteria is found both in owner and the pet causing other drugs useless. The bacteria from pets can remain in the environment for a long time and can be a source of infection for other people moving in the environment.

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The young and old people with weak immune system are more likely to get affected by this bacteria and use of any other drug to lessen the impact is also not so beneficial in case of drug-resistant bacteria.

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