Insomnia, long term effect of Covid-19

Insomnia, long term effect of Covid-19

From end of 2019 till date, researchers and scientists are doing different researches on impact of Corona Virus on human body and its functions. There are variety of researches out there proving the dangerous impact of corona virus on humans.

One of the patient who recently recovered from Corona, Priya Mathew, she suffered the long Covid, thinking that she will be free after recovering. But she identified 23 new symptoms for alarming health condition one of which was insomnia.

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She told media that shortness of breath, laboured breathing, irregular heart beatd and insomnia troublef her a lot. She said that, she is not able to sleep whole night and it felt like electrice shocks going through her body from head to toes.

Impact on Daily Life

Priya Mathew told that insomnia and other side effects began to impact her daily life, she could not even manage to do a little work and feel drained. She said that she has been experiencing improvement in her Covid symptoms 60-70% but insomnia is still a problem for her.

Dr Emmanuel, a Neurologist said that Insomnia is related to pain and resistance to treatment, it is one of the major long term effect of Covid. He explained that pain through insomnia may imbalance and impair the whole body function.

It can cause trouble in controlling heart beat and ability of body to control blood pressure. A survey by American Academy of Sleep Medicine also noted that a third of US citizens have faced disturbance of sleep due to Covid, termed as Covid-somnia.

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Health experts also have mentioned that a patient recovered from Covid and facing insomnia should consult a specialist for pursuing enough sleeping habits.

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