Decisive Measures Taken Against Illegal Deforestation in Gilgit by Chief Secretary

decisive measures taken against illegal deforestation in gilgit by chief secretary

decisive measures taken against illegal deforestation in gilgit by chief secretary

In a Robust Response to the Escalating issue of illegal Deforestation in Jaglot Forests the Chief Secretary of Gilgit has implemented Stringent actions, Suspending 44 Employees involved in the illicit Cutting of Trees. The Proactive Measures include the Suspension of ten Permanent Watchmen and Seven forest Guards, Signifying a Zero-tolerance Policy towards the Reckless Destruction of the Region’s Green Cover.

Expressing deep Concern over the unlawful activities, the Chief Secretary has not only Suspended 17 Germanent guards but also terminated the Services of 27 temporary Employees associated with the Forest Department. This Decisive move aims at Curbing the Prevalent illegal Logging, which Poses a Significant threat to the Environmental Equilibrium of the Area.

Given the Gravity of the Situation the Forest Department has Elevated its Response by Referring the Cases of Foresters and Range Forest Officers (RFOs) implicated in the illegal Activities to the Secretary of Forests for Further investigation and Appropriate Action. This Demonstrates a Commitment to Holding all individuals involved Accountable for their Roles in the Unauthorized Deforestation.

Expanding its Vigilance Beyond Jaglot the Forest Department has Declared a Comprehensive Crackdown on illegal Logging in  Diameter and other Vulnerable Areas. Emphasizing Sustainable forest Management the Department has Pledged to Confiscate Vehicles found transporting illegally Harvested Timber Sending a clear message that such Activities will not be Tolerated.

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This Proactive Stance by the Chief Secretary and the Forest Department Underscores the Collective effort to Preserve Gilgit’s Precious forest Resources and maintain Ecological Balance. The Suspensions and Terminations Serve as a Robust deterrent, Sending a Clear message that illegal Deforestation will face Severe Consequences in the Pursuit of a Greener and more Sustainable future for the Region.

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The Stringent actions taken Reflect a Commitment to Environmental Preservation and Reinforce the authorities’ Determination to address the challenges Posed by Unlawful activities threatening Gilgit’s Natural Habitat.

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