PM and COAS Condemn Indian Actions in IIOJK During Solidarity Day Visit to AJK

pm and coas condemn indian actions in iiojk during solidarity day visit to ajk

pm and coas condemn indian actions in iiojk during solidarity day visit to ajk

Interim Prime Minister Anwaar Kakar and Chief of Army Staff General Syed Asim Munir recently visited Muzaffarabad on Kashmir Solidarity Day, condemning Indian actions in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). The top  leaders paid homage to the sacrifices of the Kashmiri people at the Martyrs’ Monument. they acknowledged their problems  in the face of brutality by Indian forces.

During the visit, COAS General Munir interacted with troops along the Line of Control (LoC) in the Sarian area. “Pakistani leaders said the problems in Indian Occupied Kashmir are big issues for people’s safety and peace in the area nearby. They confirmed that Pakistan strongly supports Kashmiris’ right to decide their own future, which is mentioned in the United Nations rules.”

The leaders condemned India’s attempts to change the demographic composition of IIOJK through illegal administrative measures and harsh security measures.Even though there are difficulties, they said that the Kashmiri people’s strong desire to achieve their rightful goals cannot be stopped.

COAS General Munir praised the troops’ operational readiness and effective response to Indian ceasefire violations along the LoC. He  also warned that any kind of aggression or any step which can disturb Pakistan peace and against Pakistan’s territorial sovereignty will get a national response.  the military force will pay them back.

Highlighting India’s state-sponsored terrorism in Pakistan, General Munir expressed concern about the targeting of Pakistani citizens on Pakistani soil.

Read more.. President Alvi: the resolution of the Kashmir dispute will remain a fundamental aspect of the country’s foreign policy.

He said that what India is doing goes against the rules that countries around the world have agreed on. Many countries are now openly saying negative things about India.

Read more.. Kashmir Day: Pakistan Declares Public Holiday on February 5

The visit shows that Pakistan is dedicated to supporting the Kashmiri people and dealing with the current problems in Indian Occupied Kashmir. More and more countries are pointing fingers at India for what it’s doing, showing that people are starting to question India’s actions on the world stage.

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