Zardari in Netherlands Book Chapter on Corruption

Zardari in Netherlands Book Chapter on Corruption

Former President and Co-Chairman of PPP Asif Ali Zardari is in ‘Corruption’ Chapter of Netherlands’ books. The Ministry of Education of Netherlands says that chapter is from book of four-year secondary vocational education programme.

The chapter talks about corruption and top most corrupt leaders from all around the world. Children are being taught about how to avoid corruption and save country from this unethical practise.

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The textbook picture is circulating all over the social media and people are having a lot of comments on it. Sources also proved that picture is authentic and textbook is being taught in European countries.

Netizens Got a lot to Say

One of the Twitter user shared the picture of textbook saying, “What a moment of shame for Mr. 10 to make it to Dutch books as lessons of corruption. In Netherlands school children are being taught the subject of corruption of Asif Zardari”.

A picture of textbook circulating over the internet shows, a picture of Asif Ali Zardari with caption, “Former Pakistani President Mr Ten percent Zardari arrested for corrution”.

The Netherlands’ Ministry of Education, Culture and Science also confirmed about the reality of picture, clarifying that chapter is from a textbook of four-year elementary education program of country.

The Spokesperson to Netherlands’ Ministry said that chapter on Former Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari is designed for class discussion for students of 16-year of age. He said that It is very normal to discuss about such topics in class as part of social sciences.

The spokesperson also added that, Dutch government is not responsible for publishing but the publisher. However, new edition is under publication and will be rolled out next year. If the article about former President is not factual then it will be removed from book.

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The article also reads about the ouster of Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef in 2017 after which he was sentenced to jail for corruption. The Chapter also asks students to write Why Zardari is called Mr 10% ?.

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