Why Nadia Jamil breaks down into tears on Live TV ?

Why Nadia Jamil breaks down into tears on Live TV ?

Nadia Jamil, one of the talented actress of Pakistani entertainment industry appeared as a guest in one of the famous TV shows, Good Morning Pakistan with fellow celebrity Hina Khawaja Bayat. She got emotional and broke into tears while remembering her father.

Nadia Jamil told that, her father had a heart problem and lung infection, she recalled the final moments with father passing away at the time of Fajar prayers.

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What her father told at last moments ?

The actor recalled her father asked for a pen so he could write what he wanted on his grave after she fed him. She said he wrote verses from Surah al-Inshirah and poetic lines from world-renowned poet Mirza Ghalib.

The actor added, she told him that she would not let the particular poetic lines get written as it makes her cry. She added her father asked if she know he liked the other, which was ‘Bazicha e Atfaal hai Duniya mere agay’.

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She shared that her father told her that the Allah Almighty is everywhere and he is returning to him when she asked him if he was scared before his death.

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