Chinese Universities raised Tuition Fees

Chinese Universities raised Tuition Fees

Chinese universities raised tuition fees as much as 54% for subjects of sciences, engineering and physical education. The increase in fees of universities is after three years with some universities making their first rises in two decades.

The increase in fee is witnessed due to reduced national budget for tertiary education and tight local government finances.

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Financial Crunch in local government

After three of years of disruptive Covid-19 policies, property crises, and slugish economy the higher fees come amid a financial crunch among local government of China. Chinese universities rely highly on state funding.

Shanghai-based East China University of Science and Technology raised fees by 54% to 7700 yuan annually for some freshmen majoring in science, engineering and physical education, and by 30% in the liberal arts, according to statements.

Tuition fee for science and engineering rise up by 40% at Shanghai Dianji University, students majoring in management, economics and literature will have to pay 30% more as compared to last year.

The Shanghai based universities remained on same tuition fee for last 20 years, for the academic year starting this autumn, the university fee is increased.

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China’s densely populated Southwestern Jilin province also raised tuition for different majors, with the maximum increase as much as 41% in Sichuan. The budget expenditure for 2023 fell 3.7% to 102.6 billion yuan from the previous year.

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