President Alvi wants politicians to ‘cash in’ on ‘apolitical’ stance by army

President Alvi

President Arif Alvi urged politicians on Thursday to “take the opportunity” presented by the impending exit of the military from politics and join forces to develop democracy. 

Presidential Address

The president was addressing at the final session of the “Islamabad Conclave-2022,” which was put on by the capital’s Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad, a think tank. 

The army has vowed to avoid politics in public. The onus is now on the politicians to use this chance responsibly, he said. 

Retired Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa

The president was making reference to a statement made by retired Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa, a former army chief, in which he claimed that the military had made the decision to continue to play a political role while acknowledging its nearly seven decades of “unconstitutional” intervention in politics. 

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President Alvi stated that lawmakers should talk about all controversial topics in light of the extreme political polarisation that exists today. 

Bid to Decrease Political Polarisation

He exclaimed, urging with the political parties to “lift the country out of problems and polarisation,” that “there is nothing which cannot be discussed.” 

He emphasised the value of engagement in international affairs and added that it was crucial from a security standpoint. 

Economic Independence

For complete security, he continued, “democracy, defence, information and communication, security, and economic independence were necessary factors.” 

He also lamented the use of “an elitist attitude” in discussions about national issues like development, communication, and the economy. 

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