PM Kakar Criticizes Western Nations for Ignoring India’s Actions

pm kakar criticizes western nations for ignoring india's actions

pm kakar criticizes western nations for ignoring india’s actions

Pakistan‘s Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar has voiced his concerns about Western countries not acknowledging what he sees as the “reality” of India’s right-wing leadership.

This comes after Canada accused India of being involved in the Murder of One of its Citizens ,leading to the Expulsion of an Indian intelligence Officer and India Responding in kind.

PM Kakar connects this incident to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist beliefs, referred to as Hindutva.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently claimed that Indian agents played a role in the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Sikh separatist, near Vancouver in June. Trudeau Mentioned Credible allegations of a potential link between the Murder and Indian government agents.

However, India vehemently Denies these allegations calling them absurd and motivated.

Speaking at the council on foreign Relations in New York during the UN General Assembly, Kakar Expressed Concern about the Rise of anti-Muslim Extremism in India inspired by Hindutva. He Criticized Western Nations for turning a blind Eye to this issue possibly due to Economic and trategic interests.

Western powers Especially the United States have been Eager to Strengthen their ties with India, Viewing it as a Crucial ally in the Region and a Counterbalance to China’s influence.

Prime Minister Modi has indeed highlighted India’s global Role but his Promotion of hindu identity has Faced Criticism for creating an Unwelcoming Atmosphere for Religious minorities, including Muslims, Christians, and Sikhs.

The victim Hardeep Singh Nijjar, was Wanted by India for alleged Terrorism and Conspiracy to Commit Murder. He was an advocate for a Separate Sikh state Called Khalistan.

India has long accused Pakistan of Supporting the Khalistan movement which Conducted an insurgency in the 1980s that was eventually Suppressed by Indian Security forces.

Kakar also urged the U.S, Administration to encourage the indian government to address the Kashmir dispute in line with the wishes of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. He Emphasized that Regional stability depended on resolving this longstanding issue.

While expressing Pakistan’s desire for peaceful Relations with India Kakar Stressed the importance of sincerity from the indian government.

Readmore..Canada, India row heat up after Sikh leader’s murder

He Pointed out that India’s Actions in 2019 in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir had Created a Dangerous and Uncertain situation in the Region.

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