(C)Repub;ic policy,punjab govt to form environment protection authority to fight smog 1714128254 7829
The capital city of Pakistan, Lahore has ranked as the world’s most polluted city for the second time this Monday with an alarming 394 Air Quality Index (AQI) while New Delhi capital of India followed second with 164 AQI.
The AQI will calculate and determine the amount of multiple air pollutants, such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), fine particulate matter (PM2.5), and coarse particulate matter (PM10). The AQI is considered “unhealthy” if it is greater than 100, and “very unhealthy” if it is greater than 150.
Because of the hazardous fog, a lot of city residents are suffering from health issues like coughing, breathing difficulties, eye irritation, and skin infections. The primary causes of the pollution problem are industrial pollutants and the burning of agricultural waste, which forced the Punjab government to act quickly to save the public’s health.Children, senior citizens and anyone with underlying cardiovascular or respiratory disorders are especially at risk.
Anti Smog Squads
The “Anti-Smog Squad” was introduced during a ceremony held by a Punjab Senior Minister Marriyam Aurangzeb at the provincial agriculture department headquarters. She told the media that the Anti-haze Squad is a big step for a smog free Punjab. According to her, the agriculture department has launched a number of programs to fight smog and also she gave the Anti-Smog Squad cars so they could travel to smog-affected areas. These teams would provide farmers with an alternative method of disposing of crop waste, encourage the use of super seeders and spread awareness among them about the dangers of burning agricultural residues. The squad also implemented a zero-tolerance policy towards issues that contribute to air pollution. She added that issuing warnings and taking immediate action when there is a scenario which contributes to air pollution.
According to Iftikhar Ali Sahoo, secretary of the Agriculture Department, Anti-Smog Squads have been formed in areas that grow rice and are supplied with cars to help smog control and improve outreach. The new helpline number 1373 is implemented for the people to report whenever they see smoke.