Warning about TikTok Bold Glamour Filter

Warning about TikTok Bold Glamour Filter

TikTok change trends after some time and right now the top sensation on TikTok is bold glamour filter which apply a lot of effects on face and a person just look like perfectly flawless but the filter is facing huge criticism on its fake toxic beauty standards.

An app having more than billion users presented a bold glamour filter that merged the real face of human with AI generated model face, having a lot of appreciation as well as criticism. The filter present the real face of human without any flaws having perfect straight nose and filled lips.

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Million videos of people using the glamour filter just shock the debaters and researchers about how much people are concious about fake beauty standards having plumped up lips, well chiselled chin and fluffy eye brows giving a vibe of fashionista.

The Associate Professor of nursing at Middle Georgia State University in United States Kim Johnson called it a new phase of “Beauty Myth”. He added that filters like bold glamour create unhealthy comparisons among people.

When people are exposed to such kind of toxic beauty standards, it automatically leads to negative behaviors like excessive dieting, social comparisons, low self-esteem and poor workout routine. They always try to get perfect body with model looking face and failure in that lead to depression and often suicide.

Filters and effects have always been a top appreciated factor of TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram but latest beauty filters are getting too much hype and GenZ is getting largely targeted by these kind of filters.

Gwendolyn Seidman, Professor of Psychology at Albright College said that these filters are not subtle, it is instantaneous and powerful that directly attacks the psychology of person and lead it towards negative results.

The teens now a days start hating themself and won’t like what they see when they turn off the filter, She added.

Success of AI

Where filter faced a lot of criticism on its fake beauty idea, AI is getting appreciation for creating real time looks of filters. The official website of TikTok refused to talk about real technology behind the filter, they just notified it as “self-appreciation and self-creativity”.

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According to some experts, Bold Glamour filter is using AI technology same as used behind ChatGPT or Dall-E. The debates about Bold Glamour filter generated by AI is true then it means, enhancing beauty effect with data minning can also be possible through this filter.

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