Woman found alive in Brazil Tomb

Woman found alive in Brazil Tomb

A woman in Brazil found out alive after 10 hours stay inside the narrow tomb. Cemetery workers noticed blood coming out of grave from freshly sealed tomb. They dig out the grave and took out woman alive. 36-year-old woman is in improving condition in hospital.

Workers called the emergency workers on time and took the woman to hospital. The grave was not dig out shortly as everyone was scared and surprised because of blood stains. As soon police came everyone heard some noise inside the grave.

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According to the police statement, “They heard someone inside calling for help, they broke the brick wall of tomb and removed a woman who had injured her head and arms in the grave”. According to the investigation, women was probably not dead but appeared to have been placed inside the grave forcefully.

Woman placed alive in Tomb

Woman was placed alive inside a wall holding already dozens of above ground tombs, the incident took place in the cemetery of Visconde do Rio Branco, city of Brazil with population of 43,000.

According to a detailed report woman was placed in the grave because of revenge by a drug dealing gang after drug and guns were not found that they hid at her house. She told police that two masked men raided her house and kidnaped her.

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When they attacked, her husband managed to escaped and they took me to the cemetery. Victim is still in hospital but in improving condition. Police said they are searching for two suspects of around 20 and 22 age.

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