Today’s Punjab PA Speaker Election Is Scheduled 

Today's Punjab PA Speaker Election Is Scheduled 

Ruling Coalition And The Opposition Alliance

Both the ruling coalition and the opposition alliance have put up their nominees for the coveted position, and the Punjab Assembly will choose a new speaker on Friday (today). 

In its procedures on Thursday, the House adopted a resolution calling for the suspension of the assembly’s rules, which would allow the governor to call a meeting for the election, as well as the holding of a vote of no confidence against the deputy speaker at 4 p.m. on Friday. 

Ruling Alliance Of PTI And PML-Q

The ruling alliance of PTI and PML-Q has nominated Sibtain Khan, a PTI legislator from Mianwali, for the position of speaker, which became available after Parvez Elahi, the previous occupant of the position, was elected chief minister. As a joint candidate, the opposition parties PML-N and PPP have put Saiful Malook Khokhar forward. 

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Both candidates’ nomination papers passed the newly appointed assembly secretary Inayatullah Lak’s inspection. In an unprecedented step, his predecessor Muhammad Khan Bhatti was moved and appointed principal secretary to the chief minister. Up to that point, no assembly service officer had ever been deputed to a general service position. 

Resolution To Suspend The Rules Of Business

A resolution to suspend the rules of business in order to hold elections for the speakership and a vote of no confidence in the deputy speaker, Sardar Dost Muhammad Mazari, was presented by the former law minister Raja Basharat earlier during the longest session of the assembly, which was presided over by Panel of Chairman Wasim Badozai. A majority of those voting approved the proposition. 

Mr. Badozai postponed the proceedings till Friday afternoon after reading the procedure for choosing the new speaker. 

Sibtain Khan informed the media that he expected to win the speaker election handily and predicted that the PML-N wouldn’t attempt to pull off any surprises. He claimed that everyone had seen what transpired with the PML-Q president Chaudhry Shujaat letter that the N-League had used to win the CM’s election.

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