PIA’s Controversial UK Staff Appointments During Financial Crisis

pia's controversial uk staff appointments during financial crisis

pia’s controversial uk staff appointments during financial crisis

Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has stirred up controversy by hiring high-salaried staff in the United Kingdom (UK), despite facing serious money problems and a ban on direct flights to the UK for three years.

 PIA appointed some people for important jobs in the UK, like a country manager and sales managers. They’re getting paid a lot of money. For example, the country manager will get £70,000 per year, and the sales manager and finance manager will each receive £55,000 annually. Another manager in Manchester is also getting £55,000 per year plus extra benefits.

 PIA says it’s continuing flights to the UK by working with Turkish Airlines, which brings in about £14 million each year. They claim only a tiny part (1.8%) of that money goes to pay these UK-based staff.

 PIA says it’s planning to restart direct flights between Pakistan and the UK soon. They say these new hires are part of the preparation for that.

However, there’s more to the story:

 The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) in Pakistan has taken a serious step. They froze PIA’s bank accounts because the airline hasn’t paid more than Rs 8 billion in taxes. PIA promised to pay Rs 2 billion in August, but they didn’t.

 PIA wants everyone to know that despite their bank accounts being frozen, they can still run their flights as usual.

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People are concerned because it seems like PIA is spending a lot of money on staff salaries in the UK when they owe a huge amount in taxes and are facing financial problems. Many believe that it’s more important for PIA to manage their money wisely and handle their debts before hiring high-salaried staff abroad. They also hope that PIA can resolve these issues and bring back direct flights between Pakistan and the UK soon.

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