Pakistan to Dispatch Medical Aid to War-Hit Palestine

pakistan to dispatch medical aid to war hit palestine

pakistan to dispatch medical aid to war hit palestine

Pakistan is stepping up to help the people of Palestine during their difficult times. The Ministry of Health in Pakistan has given its approval to send much-needed medical aid to Palestinians who are suffering from the recent bombings by Israel.

The Ministry of National Health Services in Pakistan has arranged important medical supplies like life-saving medicines and surgery kits. These aid will be sent to help the people in Palestine who are affected by the war and attacks from israel.

The medical aid will be handed over to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) in Pakistan. The NDMA will transport the supplies to the Red Cross International. Which is an organization that helps people in need all .They will make sure that the supplies reach the Palestinian territories and are given to those who need them.

Additionally, a chartered aircraft carrying essential medical supplies, tents, and blankets will depart from Islamabad for Egypt. From Egypt, these items will be sent to the people in Gaza, who have been particularly affected by the conflict.

Pakistan has also expressed its disappointment over the results of a recent United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting. The country is calling for an immediate end to the bombing and blockade in Gaza from israel.  As it is causing a humanitarian crisis and so many people are getting affected by it.

Read More: World condemns Israel for brutal attack on Gaza hospital

While some have asked if Pakistan plans to send troops to Palestine for peacekeeping, the country’s spokesperson clarified that Pakistan is a peaceful nation. Pakistan prefers peaceful solutions and has no plans to send troops to fight. They believe in resolving conflicts.

Read More: Saudi Arabia Returns 12,000 Pakistani Passports Used by Afghan Nationals

In these hard times Pakistan’s aid shows support  with the people of Palestine, who are facing difficult challenges because of Israel Attacks.

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