Pak-Afghan border to reopen as both sides reach an agreement

pakafghan border to reopen as both sides reach an agreement

pakafghan border to reopen as both sides reach an agreement

Pakistan and Afghanistan have reached an agreement for re-opening the Torkham border after week-long negotiations between the two side and the border has been opened after a week of closure.

There was some confusion as no official announcement was made and both sides initially did not confirm the reopening, however, officials on both sides have said that there were news of the possible reopening soon. Many Customs and Immigration departments officials also told news outlets that they had been directed to report to their posts on Friday. Some officials said that only pedestrian movement would be allowed for now and later, trade vehicles would be allowed to cross the border. However, both pedestrian and vehicular traffic was allowed to cross the border on Friday after the reopening.

Heavy firing had occurred on the border on September 6 when border security officials from Pakistan and Afghanistan resorted to firing at each other. The incident happened after the Afghan authorities started the construction of a security post near the Pakistan border. Two officials of Pakistan security forces suffered injuries as a result of the firing. Both sides reportedly used light and heavy weapons in the firing exchange.

Pakistan had officially taken the position that a new security post near the border crossing was a violation of the agreement between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Meanwhile, the Afghan officials had said that their official were renovating an old post on their side of the border.

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The border was subsequently closed down after the incident and all movement was halted causing inconvenience to the people who remained stuck at the border crossing. The border had remained closed off for businesses and travelers for the last week as both sides held meetings to resolve the matter.

Officials from both sides confirmed on Friday that the Torkham border crossing had been reopened and was operational.

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