Is PDM planning to arrest Imran Khan?

Is PDM planning to arrest Imran Khan?

The Interior Minister of current government, Rana Sanaullah said that, arrest warrant of Imran khan is not on cards but his words will soon result to some surprising situation.

In view of current government, Imran Khan’s hard statements against government official will lead to his arrest tsunami in country. While talking to media he said that security officials are ready, there is no order for arrest but continues threat of Imran khan to Pakistan is forcing security authorities to take strict action.

He said that at this moment no one is in favour of arresting former Prime minister but continuous false statements of Imran Khan is making us think that he should be arrested to save the peace of country.

Read more | Arrest Warrant against PTI Chairman Imran Khan

He said that arrest of Fawad Chaudhary is not objectionable, the ones who are saying that this arrest is victimization should read registered FIR. Fawad Chaudhary is accused of threatening ECP while talking to media.

He said that Imran Khan is doing same after one another day, blaming ministers for Wazirabad attack, blaming establishment for involvement in politics and giving threats against senior leaders. He said that this is making Pakistan weak at international levels.

Main conflict between political parties

The main objective of PTI right now is to conduct elections as soon as possible. For this concern Punjab assembly Chief Minister Pervez Elahi resigned and ECP selected Caretaker CM Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi till the elections date.

PTI is not in favour of Mohsin Naqvi as CM, they decided to come out on roads against Election Commission of Pakistan. In this concern Fawad Chaudhary said that if ECP continues to go against PTI, the family of ECP members will face the results.

Read more | PTI Leader Fawad Chohdary arrested

ECP in return registered a case against leader, Lahore police arrested him from his house and brought him to Islamabad where he is locked up for physical remand. The government and opposition should focus on making economy of Pakistan better rather than fighting over power and blaming each other for ongoing conflicts.

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