Employment rights: Woman fired for eating too loudly

Employment rights: Woman fired for eating too loudly

A woman who was working for a company for five years has been fired because of her annoying habits and eating too loudly at workplace. The HR team and legal law expert are involved in the matter to find whether it is legal or not.

People who have experience working in offices can understand that how it feels when you like or dislike your colleagues. The whole work life depends upon communication and professional relationship between colleagues. Sometimes people spend more of their time in offices rather than home.

Turns out that having good professional encounter with colleagues is responsible for business success. But a case was shared by HR and employment law expert Judith Fiddler showing that a woman is fired for eating too loudly. The case is now followed by more than 850k people.

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Complaints by other employees

The case explained that more than 3 complaints had come against her in past 18 months explaining that she eats too loudly, she had a lack of self-awareness and often annoying to other colleagues by her weird habits.

The complaints from other colleagues also explained that they will leave the office if she is still going to be in office as she make their work life traumatized. In the results of Complaints Company chosen to fire the woman who is annoying rather than firing a lot of people who just want mental peace at their work place.

People have a lot to say about this, some of them are confused over whether this firing is legal or not. Whether the woman have any rights to take legal action or not to which Judith explained that no doubt it’s harsh but legal.  

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Some of people also commented that it is totally the failure of HR, there could be some other possible solutions to problem father than firing her after five years of job. Some of netizens commented that there should be full inquiry on complaints too whether they are true or not.

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