ECP Issues Arrest Warrants for Absentee Government Employees in General Elections 2024

ecp issues arrest warrants for absentee government employees in general elections 2024

ecp issues arrest warrants for absentee government employees in general elections 2024

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has initiated Strict measures against Government Employees who have Continuously Shirked their Election Duties during the General Elections 2024. In Dadu 200 absentee Government Servants including Presiding and Assistant Presiding Officers were issued arrest Warrants for Prolonged Absence from their Assigned Duties. District Returning Officer (DRO) Dadu Fayyaz Rahujo Confirmed ongoing efforts to apprehend the Remaining absentee Employees with 10 already in Custody.

To ensure the Smooth functioning of the Electoral Process New appointments have been made to fill the Vacancies left by the absent Polling Staffers. Similarly in Shikarpur arrest Warrants were issued for 225 Government Employees who failed to Report for Election Duty, Despite Repeated Calls. The DRO of Shikarpur, Altaf Chachar has Sought assistance from the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) to locate and apprehend the Absentee Staffers.

Additionally in Multan 30 teachers faced Suspension for Refusing to Perform their Election Duties, Prompting the ECP to make new appointments to Cover the Vacant Positions.

These Decisive Actions Underscore the ECP’s Commitment to Upholding the integrity of the Electoral Process and Ensuring that all Designated Duties are Carried out Efficiently. Furthermore they Serve as a Stern Reminder to Government employees of their Responsibilities during Election Periods and the Serious Consequences of Neglecting their Duties.

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The issuance of arrest Warrants for Absentee Government Employees Reflects the ECP’s Determination to Enforce Accountability and Maintain the Credibility of the Electoral Process. By taking Such Stringent Measures the ECP aims to deter Future instances of absenteeism and Ensure the effective Execution of Election Duties. Moreover the swift action taken in Dadu, Shikarpur and Multan Demonstrates the ECP’s Resolve to address issues Promptly and uphold the Principles of Fairness and Transparency in the Electoral Process.

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Moving forward the ECP Continues to work Tirelessly to Safeguard the Democratic Process and Uphold the Rights of Voters. It remains Committed to Ensuring that Elections are Conducted in a Free, fair and Transparent manner thereby Upholding the Democratic Values upon which Pakistan’s Governance is Based.

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