COAS Bajwa Presses Upon Regional Peace in PMA Address

Qamar Javed Bajwa

Necessity for Regional Peace

General Qamar Javed Bajwa, the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), emphasised on Saturday the necessity for regional peace and the creation of a system for amicably resolving all bilateral disputes while noting that the “price of status quo will be disastrous for all of us.” 

“By creating a framework to settle all of our bilateral disputes peacefully, we must give peace a chance.”

Furthermore, he stressed, “instead of fighting one another, we should work together to combat hunger, poverty, illiteracy, population growth, climate change, and disease.”

146th PMA Long Course

He made this point in his speech at a ceremony marking the passing-out parade of the 146th PMA Long Course at the Pakistan Military Academy in Kakul. 

“The world has changed; we should change with it because the cost of maintaining the status quo would be disastrous for all of us.” 

“I must emphasise here that our yearning for peace must not be seen as a sign of our frailty. Nobody should have any doubts about our group’s commitment to protecting our fundamental interests and the entire country.” 

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Develop Good Neighborly Relations

The general in charge of the army further stated that “in our pursuit of peace, we have extended earnest and unremitting efforts to develop good neighborly relations with all our neighbors and regional countries.” 

“We are making every effort to end the political impasse that is preventing the South Asian nations from moving forward and peacefully and honourably resolving all regional and bilateral concerns.” 

He claimed that just like the rest of the globe, the people of South Asia were deserving of prosperity and improved living conditions. 

“Only strong economic development, long-term peace, and sustained economic prosperity will make this possible. Therefore, we must make every effort to prevent the flames of war from spreading to the area,” he emphasised. 

Stop Getting Distracted By Fake News

Gen. Bajwa urged the graduating cadets not to be “distracted by fake news and political squabbling” in the nation during his speech. 

They should “always remain alert and prepared to respond to and defeat all intrigues and conspiracies hatched against our country with [an] iron fist,” he said, adding that they should “respect the democratic institution and be always ready to defend the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan with your life.” 

The military forces, with the backing of our people, will never permit any nation, group, or force to destabilise Pakistan politically or economically, he said.

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