50% Increase in Salary in Budget 2023-24

50% Increase in Salary in Budget 2023-24

Financial Budget for 2023-24 is expected to come in the first week of the June 2023 and news about salary increase and pension enhancement is circulating all over the internet and news channels.

There is also an official proposal to enhance 50% increase in salary and 30% increase in pensions. The Finance Minister Ishaq Dar will present the National Budget in National assembly to get approval from Federal cabinet members.

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The dates of Budget announcement are already announced by Finance Division, and whole nation is now waiting for this budget impatiently, every person from low to highest community is looking for relief in upcoming budget.

Fiscal Budget 2023-24 & Economy

The economy of Pakistan is currently facing crises and final budget will be presented according to the economic conditions but giving relief to public is also important in this era of increasing inflation.

The biggest suggestion presented is to increase the salary of community with Rs 40,000 monthly income. The labor community is contributing a lot in economy of Pakistan yet they are getting paid low. It is expected that Government will surely make some of changes in salary of labors.

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The government is looking for providing the best financial easy in upcoming budget however the conditions of IMF are also important and should be keep in view while presenting the budget.

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