Wild Animal broke into Parliament House

Wild Animal broke into Parliament House

A wild animal entered into Parliament House in the office of Additional Secretary Senate Hafeez Ullah Sheikh. Animal known as an Indian Civet cat created a lot of chaos and damaged office items.

The video of cat entering in the office anx running around the space causing destruction is circulating on social media. Video also showed broken television, upturned monitors, papers on the floor and damaged ceiling.

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Members of Islamabad Wildlife Management Board (IWMB) chased the animal for a long time which also put up a spirited fight. Finally the team managed to subdue it after dousing it in wated.

Wild but Harmless

However, The Chairperson of Islamabad Wildlife Management Board took it to twitter and said that animals likely to enter houses and offices to take refuge in rainy weather. The cat was wild but harmless.

Rina Khan Satti also shared that cat is released into its habitat by members of Islamabad Wildlife Management Board.

She also added that this type of wild animal is native in South Asia living in green areas near towns and cities. It is also listed as least concern by International Union for Conservation of Nature Red list.

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The animal was not harmful but it created chaos as the cat was also feared and running to save herself from any attack.

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