Twitter lighten up the mood, as country plunges into dark

Twitter lighten up the mood, as country plunges into dark

As the country entered the historical power breakdown, twitter filled up with laughter. Pakistani people never missed out any situation of turning boredom into laughs. A major power breakdown hit the country on Monday morning. There was no electricity in all the main cities, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Karachi, and all other cities.

A lot of people took it to twitter and start sharing true facts in lighter mood, #PowerOutrage was trending top on internet. The famous RJ and host Anoushay Ashraf tweeted, “While we had spent billions on protecting our borders and interests the country has officially run out of gas, dollars and now electricity. We never had education or infrastructure anyway. Pakistan’s a business for a chosen families, the rest of us are more sheep”.

Read more | Why electricity shutdown happened in Pakistan?

Some of them tweeted that they spent a well off Monday with skincare, spending time with their mothers. Meanwhile the Minister of Power and Energy, Khurram Dastgir said that government is hoping to restore power by 10 pm. Netizens also trolled him on tweet saying, Pakistan is in stone age because of politicians just like you and many more comments on his tweet.

Zunaira Inam, another twitter user tweeted that, “As we sit here with a nationwide power outage and our reserves reaching single digit, can we now accept that we are fast approaching rock bottom and our ability to hold our borders will do no god if the country is crumbling from within? We need to rethink our priorities now!”

The memes blow up

People started spreading humor all around the twitter as the power break out. Some said that they are trying to fix the country by turning it off and on. Some tweeted that, “Pakistan se Zinda bhag”. Well joke aside we need to think over on making Pakistan independent now, without shortage of water, gas and power.

Before this major cut down, NEPRA has been continuously issuing instructions and recommendations to power and energy ministry but nobody took it serious. More than billions of loss has been reported in 16 hours of cut down.

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As soon as power cut down longed, people started blaming Pakistan, that it is not the country to live in, we need to move. The thing is Pakistan is the best country from the world but Pakistanis are not capable enough to save it. The government and people of Pakistan should take it serious and make Pakistan better living country.

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