Top NGOs in Pakistan

Top NGOs in Pakistan

With the passage of time, along with issues, the humanity also evolved, survived and grown. Helping each other in the time of need is the best form of humanity to exist. With time problems, like economic growth, poverty, scarcity of resources, inflation the need of helping people also increased.

In this society with increasing issues, NGOs are tackling the challenges with great power. The main goal of these NGOs is to help people living through tough situations. Some of the top NGOs that are working in Pakistan are listed here:

JDC Foundation

The JDC Welfare Foundation is working in Pakistan for past 12 years in almost all the areas of humanity. It is founded by Zafar Abbas. The organization is currently working for orphanage houses, free dialysis center, free dastarkhawan, and first free covid hospital and ambulance services running all over the country.

Edhi Foundation

Founded by great humanitarian Abdul Sattar Edhi, Edhi foundation is providing people with a lot of help. They have the largest ambulance service in Asia running all over the country. The foundation also work in health and orphanage services. Edhi foundation helped a lot of flood, and earthquake victims not only in Pakistan but around the world.

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Agha Khan Foundation

Agha Khan Foundation was founded in 1967, providing health, financial and technical support for people around the world. The organization’s goal is to provide food security, education and different scholarship programs for needy students.

Saylani Welfare Trust

This organization aim to provide relief to thousands of people in case of any mishap in country, it is founded in 1999 and working on active Dastarkhawan campaign in order to provide food. Their aim is to reduce world hunger crises. Their education fund provide education to 180,000 needy students per year.

Ansar Burney Trust

The NGO is working since the 80s and famous for protecting the sovereignty of humans. The organization generally works on protecting human rights and working against human evils. From its start till now, Ansar Burney Trust has helped a lot of people who are victims of acid attack and domestic violence.

Dar ul Sukoon

It was the NGO founded in 1969 by a Dutch nun. It has been a home of a lot of orphan children and ladies. Their orphan houses are working in all the main cities of country and they always welcome the orphans and needy people with warm heart. Not only they provide place and food to survive but also help people in learning skills so that they can live their life in better way.

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People of Pakistan are kind hearted people and share strong bond with each other. That’s why a lot of numbers of organizations are working and helping people on daily basis. This shows that culture of Pakistan is based on humanity and integrity of entire nation.

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