Strengthening Ties: US Praises Pakistan’s Ambassador Masood Khan



US Officials Commends Masood Khan’s Diplomatic Excellence

The United States Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Elizabeth Horst, praised Pakistan’s Ambassador to the US, Masood Khan , for his phenomenal efforts in strengthening ties between Islamabad and Washington. Horst acknowledged his significant contribution to nurturing a robust US-Pakistan relationship, speaking at a farewell dinner organized to honor Khan.

A Relationship at Its Best

“On behalf of the State Department, I just want to note that the US-Pakistan relationship is in the best place it’s been in years, in large part due to what Ambassador Masood Khan has done,” remarked Horst. She highlighted that the long-standing relationship, despite experiencing friction at times, has found a dialogue structure and cooperation thanks to Masood’s diplomatic skills.

Celebrating Diplomatic Success

Attended by officials from both the Department of State  and the Department of Defense , the farewell event celebrated Khan’s successful two year tenure as Pakistan’s top representative in the United States. Khan has been instrumental in opening new dialogues and exploring new areas of cooperation and trade, including health, climate and energy, ever since he was nominated by then prime minister Imran Khan in November 2021.

A Legacy of Integrity and Hospitality

Horst emphasized Khan’s integrity, creativity and hospitality, noting how he effectively used his diplomatic shrewdness and personal charm to strengthen interstate relations. While praising Khan’s ability to bring stability and broaden the relationship between two countries, Horst stated, “You have been an extraordinary representative of the Pakistani people and government. You have been incredibly effective.”

A Promising Future

Additional Foreign Secretary (Middle East and SIFC) ambassador Rizwan Saeed Sheikh has been appointed as Khan’s successor as he prepares to leave his post next week. Elizabeth assured Khan that his efforts have left the US-Pakistan relationship stronger than ever.

 She concluded her speech by appreciating Khan’s successful tenure and dedication, “We are all going to benefit from the two years that you put in here. I want to thank you personally and from the State Department.”

Masood Khan’s tenure as Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States has indeed marked a period of vital diplomatic accomplishments, making way for the continued cooperation and mutual respect between the two countries.

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