Sajal Aly’s appeal to fans

Sajal Aly's appeal to fans

Renowned Pakistani actor Sajal Aly has taken a stand against child and domestic labour, speaking out against the horrific incident of a 14-year-old domestic worker being brutally tortured by the wife of a serving judge in Islamabad.

In a heartfelt video message, Sajal urged everyone to report cases of child labour to the authorities, emphasizing that child labour is not only condemnable but also illegal under all labour laws.

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Appealing to the public’s conscience, she stressed the need to protect children from being forced into labour, emphasizing that childhood is a time for play and education, not for working in harsh conditions.

Sajal Aly urged people to work together and put pressure on the authorities to take action and safeguard the rights of children.

Her video message received strong support from senior actor Nadia Jamil, who shared it on Twitter along with a powerful message condemning the abuse of children.

Nadia highlighted the plight of child servants and slaves in households, where they are often denied education, beaten, and deprived of their rights.

Nadia praised Sajal for raising her voice on this crucial issue and urged everyone to be part of the solution by speaking up and reporting those who exploit children for labor.

Domestic violence case

The incident involving the 14-year-old domestic worker has sparked outrage, shedding light on the urgent need to address and eradicate child labour in Pakistan.

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Sajal Aly and Nadia Jamil’s advocacy is contributing to raising awareness and promoting action against this grave violation of children’s rights.

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