Pakistan Grants Visas to Indian Hindu Pilgrims for Shadani Darbar Celebrations

pakistan grants visas to indian hindu pilgrims for shadani darbar celebrations

pakistan grants visas to indian hindu pilgrims for shadani darbar celebrations

The Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi has issued 104 Visas to Indian Hindu Pilgrims for their Participation in the 315th Birth Anniversary Celebrations of Shiv Avtari Satguru Sant Shadaram Sahib at Shadani Darbar Hayat Pitafi, Sindh, scheduled from 12th to 23rd December. This Move is Part of the Pakistan India Protocol on Visits to Religious Shrines established in 1974 allowing Sikh and Hindu Pilgrims from India to visit Pakistan for Various Religious Occasions. The issuance of these Pilgrimage Visas aligns with the Pakistani Government’s Commitment to Facilitating Visits to Religious Shrines and Fostering interfaith Harmony.

Charge d’Affaires Aizaz Khan expressed his best wishes to the pilgrims and extended heartfelt felicitations. The Pilgrimage to Shadani Darbar holds Significance for the Hindu Community marking the Birth anniversary of Sant Shadaram Sahib a Revered Spiritual Figure.

The Protocol between Pakistan and India has been instrumental in Promoting People to people Exchanges particularly in the Religious and Cultural Spheres. Despite Geopolitical Tensions both Countries have Consistently Worked towards Facilitating Religious Pilgrimages emphasizing shared Cultural and Spiritual Heritage.

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This issuance of Visas Underscores the Commitment to Religious Freedom and the Promotion of interfaith Dialogue. It Reflects Pakistan’s Recognition of the importance of Religious Diversity and its Efforts to Create an Environment Where individuals from Different Faiths can Engage in Spiritual and Cultural Exchanges.

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As the Pilgrims Embark on their Journey to Shadani Darbar in Sindh this initiative Serves as a Testament to the Ongoing Efforts to Strengthen People to people ties and Foster Goodwill between the Neighboring Nations. It is a Positive Step in the Direction of Promoting Mutual understanding and Respect for each other’s Religious Practices and Traditions.

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