Open AI generating false Information

ChatGPT, AI, Bots, privacy, technology

Open AI chatGPT is under investigation over the concern that the app is responsible for generating false information. The investigation of chatbot raises a lot of questions on user’s private data and safety concerns.

The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requested information from around the globe in which users were falsely disparaged and asked for details on company’s efforts to prevent false and wrong information.

Read more | China’s AI Chat GPT

The chairperson of FTC Lina Khan said, “We have heard about reports where people’s sensitive information is showing up in response to an inquiry from somebody else. We have heard about libel, defamatory statements, flatly untrue things that are emerging. That’s the type of fraud and deception that we are concerned about”.

Open AI CEO response to claim

The CEO of OpenAI Sam Altman, also said that the technology could be prone to errors. He also expressed the concern of need for regulations and the establishment of a new agency to oversee AI errors and safety.

OpenAI is continuously making efforts to enhance the safety and privacy of chatbots but content generation and inaccurate information is still an issue of concern.

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Italy also banned the use of ChatGPT due to privacy concerns, only reinstating it after Open AI implemented age verification tools and provided additional information on its privacy policies.

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