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Putin accuses West of ignoring Russia’s security concerns

Putin accuses West of ignoring Russia’s security concerns

Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused Western nations of not paying attention to crucial Russian security concerns. His remarks come after the US refused to adhere to Moscow's demands over NATO and Ukraine last week.

Pakistan drops on Transparency International’s Corruption Index

Pakistan drops on Transparency International’s Corruption Index

Pakistan dropped 16 points in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) for 2021. Pakistan ranked 140 out of 180 countries in TI's report on Tuesday. The CPI is the measure of how corrupt a country's

Can’t apologise for US withdrawal: Biden

Can’t apologise for US withdrawal: Biden

On Wednesday, US President Joe Biden, speaking at a news conference, said withdrawing the US troops from war-torn Afghanistan was the right decision. The US President said his country spent trillions of dollars in Afghanistan,

Ministry of Religious Affairs issues alert for intending pilgrims

Ministry of Religious Affairs issues alert for intending pilgrims

In a statement on Thursday, the Ministry of Religious Affairs urged people against giving their money to any tour operator before Hajj policy 2022 was announced. The alert is intended to caution people against making

Pertaka Canal: UAE brings hope to war-torn Afghanistan

Pertaka Canal: UAE brings hope to war-torn Afghanistan

The majority of the Afghanistan population lives in rural areas where agriculture is exceptionally vital for livelihoods. Realising and harnessing the potential of agriculture is necessary for improving labour productivity, food security, and women's lives.

All about the eighth continent – Zealandia

All about the eighth continent – Zealandia

In 2017, a group of geologists made headlines for announcing the discovery of Zealandia – the eighth continent. Spanning over 1.89 million sq miles (4.9 million sq km), it was said to be around six

Has the US lost interest in Pakistan?

Has the US lost interest in Pakistan?

Joe Biden and his officials are more focused on Southeast Asia now. There is a lot of clarity on how Biden is heading the US administration. With America out of Afghanistan, Biden’s officials are openly

Blinken thanks Pakistan for summit on Afghanistan

Blinken thanks Pakistan for summit on Afghanistan

On Wednesday, US State Secretary Antony Blinken thanked Pakistan for organising an extraordinary session of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation's (OIC) Council of Foreign Ministers to ponder the situation in Afghanistan. The OIC session took

Roger Waters calls out Modi over human rights abuses in occupied Kashmir

Roger Waters calls out Modi over human rights abuses in occupied Kashmir

On Thursday, Roger Waters, a British musician, called out Indian PM Narendra Modi for arresting human rights activist Khurram Pervez in occupied Kashmir. The founding member of the rock band Pink Floyd responded to a

From rubble to running, UAE’s GAAC brings new hope to Kabul airport

From rubble to running, UAE’s GAAC brings new hope to Kabul airport

The General Aviation Airport Coalition (GAAC) company, founded in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has been operating Kabul International Airport since November 2019. Located five kilometres (3.1 miles) away from Kabul, the Hamid Karzai International