King of Winter Fruits, Orange

King of Winter Fruits, Orange

Oranges are the most popular fruit of winters containing a lot of health benefits and tender juiciest taste. Its uses are numerous from eating it after peeling to making its fresh juice, orange is beneficial in every way for health, skin, blood, as an anti-oxidant as well as providing good amount of vitamins to body.

It is also known as sun slices in our kitchen, means it provide all the necessary vitamins, we can intake from sun rays. Oranges are considered as one of the best source of vitamin C, in addition to it, oranges provide Vitamin B, Calcium, Potassium and many other beneficial nutrients for health.

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Health benefits of Orange

Oranges are one of the low calorie fruit which is helpful in curing many diseases, a study showed that Vitamin C intake help in boosting energy in cancer patients and oranges are one of the best sources of vitamin C intake. It is estimated that eating 300 oranges will reduce the cancer cells in body for a long period.

 Potassium is the most necessary element of human blood, and oranges contain a good amount of potassium in it. Eating oranges daily will help human body to intake potassium, and reduce the chances of high blood pressure as well as heart diseases. It can also help as an anti-stress to body because of sodium present in it which helps in opening, thin blood vessels.

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 Oranges are also good for diabetes patients because of amount of fiber present in it. Eating oranges will also help in skin issues. In Pakistan, Punjab is the hub of orange production among all the provinces.  Pakistan is one of the biggest orange exporters in Asia as well as Europe.

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