Fabric by Microsoft

Fabric by Microsoft

Microsoft launched a new Fabric, the new end-to-end data and analytics playform, the new service for Microsoft Data Lake, can also pull date from Amazon S3 and Google CloudPlatform.

This will also include data from integration tools, a spark-based data engineering platform, a real-time analytics platform, new Power BI, and easy to use visualization and AI-based analytics tool.

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The platform also offers a new no-code developer experience that allow users to monitor their all data in real time and trigger actions and notifications based on it.

There are a lot of new technologies out there, from last 5 to 10 years, and pretty massive level of innovation but new latest technologies caused a lot of fragmentation of the modern data stack.

Data and Analytics Products

Arun Ulag, Microsoft Corporate VP said, “There is literally hundreds, if not thousands, of products and open source technologies and solutions that customers have to make sense of. When I talk to customers, one of the messages I hear consistently is that they are tired of paying this integration tax“.

Microsoft looked at the core data analytics workloads integration, engineering, warehousing, data science, real-time analytics, business intelligence and build a unified experience around this.

With the launch of Microsoft fabric, many enterprises are excited about it because it greatly simplifies their data infrastructure for them. The company also decided to build fabric around a multi-cloud approach.

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This system will ease the process of managing data access and governance with deeply integrated system. Fabric system is currently in public review, anyone can try the system without even having credit card information.

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