A Christian Priest Richmond just embraced Islam three months ago after having a dream in which he was told to tell his congregation to become Muslims. He accepted Islam after having a dream and led thousands of his followers to Islam.
This year he performed Hajj on the invitation of King Salman as a guest, now named as Ibrahim Richmond. His videos are circulating all around the world making people emotional and linked to their religion.
Read more | No VIP Hajj Facilities for any Parliamentarian
More than 2.5 million pilgrims ascended Mount Arafat and now performing Eid ul Azha in Saudi Arabia.
Significance of Hajj
After performing Hajj ascended Mount Arafat in the climax of Hajj, they reached back to Muzalifah by train, halfway between Mina and Arafat. There all the pilgrims took part in the symbolic stoning of the devil at Jamrat Al-Aqaba and spent the night.
After that, all pilgrims headed back to Mina, where they are sacrificing animals to mark the begining of four-day ‘Eid ul Adha’. Chanting ‘Labaik Allahuma Labail”, the pilgrims took their way to Arafat, and remembered the last sermon delivered by beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
Read more | Pakistan announces Eid ul Adha holidays
Although temperature is scored to 46 degrees celsius, all the worshippers shielded by umbrellas journeyad from Makkah to Mina.