Pakistan Tehreen e Insaf marked April 9 as ‘Black Day’ of Pakistan as last year on same date the downfall of Imran Khan’s political era started and he left the government condemning the labels of fascist regime and loss on every front.
The senior party leaders including Asad Umar, Shireen Mizari, Fawad Chohdary, Faisal Javed Khan and others took it to Twitter and criticized the ruling government for ongoing crises and marking the day as Black Day for Pakistan.
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Laat year on same day, Imran Khan went home after no-confidence vote moved by opposition parties. The PTI leaders marked the day as ‘Black Day’ in history of Pakistan after which the real downfall of country started.
The official Twitter account of PTI tweeted, “One year since the fascist government was imposed, Imported Hakomat Na-Manzoor”. The Tweet mentioning Prime Minister Shahbaz Shareef and JUI-F leader Maulana Fazal ur Rahman.
Annual Report Card
Another Tweet from official twitter account of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf featured the ‘Annual Report Card’ of imported government showing the major increase in inflation, corruption and dynasty.
PTI claimed that current ruling government made the country went down in humanity, foreign relations, governance, public relief and economy. The last one year is marked as the worst year for country due to inabilities of current leading government.
The Secretary General of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf tweeted that, “The tale that started a year ago with a regime change conspiracy has now reached the stage of violating the constitution after causing political unrest, economic meltdown and worst fascism”.
Shireen Mizari, Former Human Rights Minister started the trend of #9thAprilBlackDay and tweeted that, “Regime change conspiracy brought cabal of crooks into power after SCP took suo motu action against Qasim Suri’s ruling”.
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She said that, We did not started any campaign against Judiciary, its the imported government who destroyed the economy, democracy and laws in country.