Twelve peole died after a crush at a football stadium in EI Salvador’s Capital city, San Salvador. The incident of clash occured betwenn people during a match between local teams and match was suspended because of it.
President of country, Nayib Bukele described the event as “unprecedented” and said an “exhaustive investivation” would be launch on it.
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Fake Tickets issue
All the victims died at the Football stadium are over the age of 18, the disaster occured when a heavy crowd tried to enter the venue after the gates had been closed. Officials of the stadium believed that some fans had been sold fake tickets and that an investigation is going on.
The Rescue Commandor of First Aid Group said, “It was an avalanche of fans who overran the gate, some were still under the metal in the tunnel. Others managed to make it go the stand and then to the field and were smothered”.
President said, everyone will be investigated including teams, managers, stadium officials, the league and the federation. Over 90 people were being given medical attention, and that men, women, and children had been treated for multiple traumas.
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The Health Minister of EI Salvador tweeted that, the government had deployed ambulances from nearby hospitals to the stadium with thd injured being sent to different public institutions for treatment.