UN Chief Welcomes Israel-Hamas Truce but urges further Action

un chief welcomes israel hamas truce but urges further action

un chief welcomes israel hamas truce but urges further action

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has Welcomed the temporary truce deal between Israel and Hamas but Stressed that more Needs to be done to address the Humanitarian Crisis in besieged Gaza. In a Statement Guterres Emphasized that the agreement is an important Step in the Right direction but falls Short of the Comprehensive Ceasefire he has been advocating for Weeks.

The UN Chief has Consistently called for an indefinite Ceasefire for Humanitarian Reasons aligning with the international Community’s Stance. However opposition from Israel and its ally the United States who express Concerns about rearming Hamas during a truce has hindered Progress.

Deputy Spokesperson Farhan Haq Confirmed that Guterres Continues to push for a Ceasefire and Reiterated the UN’s Commitment to mobilize all Capacities to Support implementation and have a Positive impact on the Humanitarian Situation in Gaza.

The temporary humanitarian truce is set to begin on Thursday, with Hamas releasing at least 50 hostages, primarily women and children, and Israel releasing a first batch of 150 Palestinian prisoners. The truce lasting between four to ten days aims to halt Fighting allowing the entry of Food, Medical aid and Fuel into the war-torn Gaza Strip.

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Tor Wennesland the top UN official leading Peace efforts in the Middle East echoed Guterres’ Comments Welcoming the announced Humanitarian Pause. Wennesland Stressed the need to use this Pause to its Fullest extent Facilitating Hostage release and addressing the Dire needs of Palestinians in Gaza.

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UN agencies including the World Health Organization reiterated their readiness to Scale up lifesaving aid in Gaza but emphasized the Urgency for a lasting Ceasefire to address the Overwhelming Humanitarian needs in the Region

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