Russian President Putin Expresses Hope for Russia-US Deal on Detained Americans

russian president putin expresses hope for russia us deal on detained americans

russian president putin expresses hope for russia us deal on detained americans

Russian President Vladimir Putin has Expressed his desire for Moscow and Washington to find a Solution to Secure the Release of two High Profile Americans held by Moscow on Espionage Charges. Responding to reporters during an end of year Press Conference Putin Mentioned detained Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and former US Marine Paul Whelan.

Putin stated ,There are Contacts on this issue and Dialogue is Ongoing, but it’s not Straightforward. I hope we Will find a Solution. But the US Side should also hear us and make a Decision that will Suit the Russian Federation.

In Response, the US State Department noted that Russia has so far refused all US offers for the release of Gershkovich and Whelan urging Putin to Negotiate in good Faith. State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller said, There is one Significant offer that we made as Recently as a few weeks ago, adding that offers had been Rejected every time by Russia.

Putin’s Comments came after a Moscow Court ruled that Gershkovich arrested in March, be held in detention until January 30. The 32 year old American reporter faces Spying Charges which he and his Employer along with the US Government, have all Rejected.

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Meanwhile Paul Whelan arrested in Moscow in 2018 is Serving a 16 year Sentence with the US Government asserting that the charges against him are without Merit. The US ambassador in Russia Lynne Tracy called on Moscow to Release Gershkovich describing the use of him as a Political pawn”as unacceptable.

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Putin’s Remarks on the issue indicate a Continued dialogue between the two Nations but Challenges Persist in reaching a Resolution. The Situation reflects Broader tensions in Russia-US Relations Emphasizing the Complexities Surrounding Espionage related Cases. The outcome will Depend on Diplomatic efforts and Negotiations between the two Governments.

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