Police raid Karachi Dance Party, Seize Liquor

police raid karachi dance party, seize liquor

police raid karachi dance party, seize liquor

Police Raid at Karachi Dance Party and Seize Liquor A dance party in Karachi recently made headlines when the local police conducted a surprise raid. The party took place in a bungalow located in Karachi’s DHA Phase Four. The police took action on the night of October 13 which resulted in the arrest of 10 individuals.

During the raid, the police discovered liquor bottles at the party venue. As a consequence, they registered a case against the bungalow’s owner and the sound system provider. Although the partygoers were initially detained, they were eventually released with a warning.

The incident led to the registration of a case under various acts, including the Sound Act and Narcotics Act, at the Gizri police station.

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Surprising part was, sources revealed that the party organizers had obtained permission from the police and district administration to hold the event. The police maintained that while permission was granted for the party, the use of drugs and alcohol was never permitted at any event.

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Despite receiving permission for the event, the presence of liquor led to the police intervention. It is imported to   respect the law and avoid liquor which is injurious to health.

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