Pakistan’s first Counter-extremism unit

Pakistan's first Counter-extremism unit

Pakistan first counter-extremism unit established after commencing the counter-terrorism unit by police department. A counter- extremism unit is established in Islamabad, one of its own kind directed by Interim Minister Rana Sana Ullah.

The counter-extremism unit will deal with any kind of digital content on political, religious, ethnic sectarian extremism on online websites. The spokesperson to Islamabad police announced on twitter that this unit will deal from operations and intelligence against extremism.

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A superintendent Police level officer will be directed as in charge of counter-extremism unit under the leadership of Senior Superintendent Police (SSP) as chief head of counter-extremism unit.

It is also added that this unit will visit educational institutes and seminars during its work. The new unit will also keep a check on sermons at the mosques. Islamabad police also send recommendation for equipping modern weapons.

Reorganization of CTD

Earlier Islamabad police also reorganized the Counter terrorism department to deal with ongoing increasing crime cases in the federal capital and other parts of the country. The counter-terrorism Department will start implementing its action with modern technical teams and weapons. The CTD workers will help in improving the security measures with capital police to deal with increasing terrorism and extremism.

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The counter-terrorism department was reorganized on the orders of interim minister Rana Sana Ullah to control the increasing crime rates in the city and to take action against terrorists members.

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