Is there any New Iran deal ?

Is there any New Iran deal ?

The news about the new deal between Iran and the United States is circulating as Tehran launched its latest Nuclear power. The Islamic Republic is also expecting easing of crushing US-led sanctions and access to its frozen funds abroad.

If a new deal between both states is reached, it would be a win-win situation for all. Iran would benefit greatly, as even the partial lifting of sanctions would revive its battered economy, and the US-Iranain military clash would be lessened.

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Iranian leader hints Negotiations

The Supreme Leader said that a deal with West is possible over Tehran’s nuclear work if the infrastructure of nuclear work of country remained intact, amid a stalemate between Tehran and Washington.

Months of indirect talks between Tehran and Washington to salvage the nuclear accord with six major powers have stalled since September, with both sides accusing each other of making unreasonable demands.

Iran presented it’s first domestically made hypersonic ballistic missile. The country made the announcement likely to heighten Western concerns about Tehran’s missile capabilities.

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Iranian State Media quoted, “The Precision-guided Fattah hypersonic missile has a range of 1400 km and it is capable of penetratinv all defence shields, as according to Head of the Guards’ aerospace force, Amirali Hajizadeh”.

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