Is Blogging still relevant after AI Chatbots?

Is Blogging still relevant after AI Chatbots?

With the advent of Artificial Intelligence, there has been ease in performing many tasks, digital Chatbots now help people in making their assignments, doing their homework of any form from text to visuals. After this much usage of Artificial Intelligence there comes a question that writers or future of writing by a person itself will be relevant or not?

Some media organizations and large firms are using Artificial Intelligence Chatbots to create games, to create posts for their entire pages of website and even to write blogs. With this writing of blogs by AI, there are a lot of questions in writer’s mind like will there even be a need for bloggers in future or will they be replaced with AI Chatbots.

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AI Chatbots for writing

We all know that Artificial Intelligence can generate very cool assignments assigned to it, it can write streams of content without any mistakes, and people can write novels, blogs and posts all together. Artificial Intelligence Chatbots can write articles fastly than human speed but the problem is that how it works. AI chat bots collects data on any topic from around the world and transform it into texts. It gathers all the information relevant to topic

AI versus Writers

AI use all the web technologies to gather information and store it in one form, but writer can think, can put their intellectual thoughts and add, remove data according to the need specify for topic. AI bots can only gather all the data and shape it in form of blog so the chances of plagiarism is so high in blogs from AI bots.

A real human blogger can write blogs just according to reader’s point of view, humans can put emotions in writings. For instance if a person wants to check review on latest technology, nobody would want to know that what computer or a bot thinks about it. Everyone prefer what people think about it what human is concerned for.

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A chat bot can never explain about human mental health, human belongings, or any health condition of human nor the political review. It can collects data on everything, provide all the information on one topic but when it comes to writing only a human writer is capable to write about human world.

In the future many companies will use AI technology to write articles and blog posting but still these AI bots cannot replace human writers as intellectual thoughts are still a cup of tea for human and not AI bots.

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