Are there any chances of Martial Law ?

Are there any chances of Martial Law ?

Director General Inter-Services Public Relations (DG-ISPR) Major General Ahmad Sharif Chohdary has ruled out about the possibility of martial law in Pakistan.

In a recent interview to a private news channel, DG ISPR said that, armed forces stand united for peace and stability of Pakistan despite internal and external propaganda going on in country. He said, ‘There is no chances of martial law in Pakistan’.

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Democracy and True Leadership

The military leadership including the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir and all the military persons from soldiers to officers believes in democracy and Pakistan Army stands united under the true leadership of COAS.

He further said that, “No one has tendered resignation in the armed forces”, the spokesperson of the Military media’s wing talked to media regarding the speculations of baseless rumours of martial law in country.

Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) also reacted to violent protests after Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf Imran Khan’s arrest. The military’s media wing said that, May 9 will be remembered as a black chapter in history.

He further said that, “Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) Chairman was arrested from the high court in accordance with the law as per NAB’s declaration”.

It stated that attacks were carried out on the army properties and installations in an organised way just after Imran Khan’s arrest and anti-army slogans were chanted.

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‘The facilitators, planners and political miscreants have been identified. The evil elements will be responsible for the consequences and strict legal action will be taken. A strong response will be given in case of further attacks on the military and state installations’.

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