American Airline Expresses Interest in Starting Flights in Pakistan

american airline expresses interest in starting flights in pakistan (2)

american airline expresses interest in starting flights in pakistan (2)

There’s exciting News for Pakistan’s aviation industry. An American Airline Ravn Alaska Airlines is thinking about Launching its Flight Services in Pakistan. They’ve Shown their interest by Getting in touch with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) which Oversees aviation matters in Pakistan.

The Airline is Serious about this and has asked for a Special license called a Third Country operator License. This is a Clear Sign that Ravn Alaska Airlines wants to Fly passengers in and out of Pakistan.

This is Happening at a time when Pakistan’s National airline, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), is facing Some Challenges especially with Money. In fact they’ve had to stop Some of their Flights and the Government is thinking about Selling the Airline to a Private Company.

To help PIA the Government has approved a loan of Rs. 8 Billion. This loan will be Given from the Resources of the Civil Aviation Authority to help PIA Pay its urgent Bills.

Read more.. ECC Approves Rs8 Billion for PIA’s Emergency Needs

The Government has also Given Permission for the Civil Aviation Authority and PIA to work Closely together.

Read more.. PIA Flight Operations Return to Normal: Fuel Supply Woes Resolved

The fact that Ravn Alaska Airlines is looking at Pakistan as a New Place to fly to is a good Sign. It Shows that they see Potential in Pakistan’s aviation market even though PIA is facing Difficulties. This Could mean more Choices and flights for People traveling to and from Pakistan. It’s a Positive step in the Development of Pakistan’s aviation industry.

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