Pubg Mobile on its 5th anniversary announced many new features and redeem codes to get a lot of rewards. Players around the world apply the redeem codes in game and get a lot of features and rewards.
The new feature is also allowing the players to get 3000 BP, 100 AG and a 3D helmet after updating the game.
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Key updates on 5th Anniversary
Pubg Mobile allowed the creation of battlegrounds and enjoying the anniversary celebration together. It also became first ever video game to offer custom game modes for its players.
Pubg Mobile also introduced new Imagiversary, to enjoy the exclusive anniversary scenery and items. It will allow the player to build creative space without restrictions.
Pubg in its new update also allowed users to create new jet-boost board skill to experience the joy of being in mid air.
Imagination Plaza specifications
The new feature of creating Imagination Plaza in Pubg will allow the players to create 110×110 area of plaza containing a lot of crates and 4 different locations with different themes. It would also help players in getting a lot of extra supplies from plaza.
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Portable Trampoline, Dual Purpose Cannon, Supply Converter, and Block Cover would be available in supply crates present in Imagination plaza. The minimum area of plaza is 60×60, which will also give supplies and crates to players.