8 Terrorists Arrested in Punjab

8 Terrorists Arrested in Punjab

Eight terrorists from militant groups are arrested from different parts of Punjab including Lahore. Punjab Counter Terrorism department (CTD) confirmed the arrest of terrorists during the recent operation conducted.

According to the officials of CTD, raids were conducted in different parts of province including Lahore, Bahawalpur and Dera Ghazi Khan, two terrorists were arrested from Lahore are identified as members of banned organizations.

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Four terrorista are arrested from Gujranwala and two from Dera Ghazi Khan and Bahawalpur each. The Counter Terrorism Department recovered explosions, suicide jackes and expensive weapons from custody of terrorists.

Investigation against the terrorists started after the registered FIRs. The spokesperson to CTD said that, 21 operations were conducted in which 8 terrorists are arrested. They were planning to carry out attacks in sensitive parts of the province.

Elections, Economy & Terrorism

Pakistan is currently facing serious crises in terms of economy, finance and terrorism as well. Ahead of it elections are approaching and political parties are not ready to gather at one table to solve the on going crises of Pakistan.

The final backup deal with IMF is not finalized yet due to money shortage in Pakistan. The close neighboring countries of Pakistan promised to help the country in crises but still foreign funding is not enough to lock the agreement with IMF.

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Along with all this, Pakistan is also dealing with increased terrorist attacks from past few months especially in KPK. Government is trying to solve economic problems and provide some relief to citizens but with increasing inflation and terrorism it seems hard to survive in ease.

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