6.8 magnitude earthquake in Pakistan

6.8 magnitude earthquake in Pakistan

A powerful earthquake of magnitude 6.8 jolted various parts of Pakistan leaving atleast 9 people dead including two women and more than 160 people are injured in different parts of Pakistan.

According to the provincial disaster management authority of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, five men, two women and many children are dead leaving many injured in parts of Swat and other districts.

Read more | Earthquake felt in Islamabad

A lot of accidents on roads also took place during earthquake causing 44 injured. The detail report also indicates 18 damaged houses. The situation of earthquake is being continously under observation.

Helplines 1700 and 1122 are continously opened for any kind of incident. The strong tremors were also felt in Islamabad and its close areas including Rawalpindi, Lahore, DI Khan and Quetta.

Many building and structures damaged due to strong waves of Earthquake which continued for 30 seconds. People came out of their houses and started reciting Verses of Holy Quran loudly.

A total of 50 injured people are brought to hospitals in Swat. The epicentre of Earthquake was Afghanistan and its depth was 180 kilometres. According to Indian reports, tremor was also felt in New Delhi.

Panic among the Residents

Various cracks in Residential and commercial buildings of Rawalpindi Islamabad are witnessed creating panic among the residenrs. The teams of city administration is still visiting the damaged areas to investigate about citizens’ safety.

Federal Minister of Health Abdul Qadir Patel issued emergency alert in Pakistan medical institutes for quick services in any emergency situation. A man in G-7 sector of Islamabad also suffered cardiac arrest because of earthquake.

Read more | Turkey earthquake survivors in streets

Prime Minister Shahbaz Shareef also ordered National Disaster Management Authority to be ready for any kind of emergency and prayed for safety of people.

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