Sultana Nasab becomes third woman climber of Pak Nationality to summit ‘Savage Mountain’ K2: Report…

sultana nasab becomes third woman climber of pak nationality to summit savage mountain k2 report

sultana nasab becomes third woman climber of pak nationality to summit savage mountain k2 report

Pakistan’s Sultana Nasab became the third woman mountaineer to scale the 2nd highest peak of the world, the K2. She reached the summit of the towering mountain this week along with her group led by renowned Pak mountaineer Sirbaz Khan. Sultana comes from upper Hunza in Pakistan’s Gilgit Baltistan region and achieved the record of being the only woman of her group reaching the summit of the mountain yesterday, Monday 29th July 2024.

The expedition consisted of seven other members who reached the summit. They are Sirbaz Khan, Abdul Joshi, Ejaz Karim, Faryad, Sherzad Karim, Ali Muhammad Sarpara, and Sultana Nasab.

According to a journalist based in Gilgit Baltistan, “Sultana’s achievement is a tribute to women empowerment and a testament to the fact that with determination and hard work, women can achieve anything they set their minds to.” This is a historic moment for Pakistani women and this feat can inspire more women to become world class mountaineers.

Talking about the mountain, K2 stands at 8611 metres (28251 feet) on the Pakistan – China border and is 238 metres shorter than the World’s tallest mountain, Mount Everest located in Nepal. K2 is often referred to as the nickname of the Savage Mountain and is tougher to climb as per climbing experts. Mountaineers are usually concerned about the Bottleneck, a challenging and dangerous section of the K2 climbing route. It is the most treacherous and notorious part of the ascent and the place has a history of ending many lives of climbers who have tried to reach the summit by scaling K2 in the past.

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