PPP chairman Bilawal Bhutto refuses to give up, says his mother taught him to fight the system


The chairman of the Pakistan People’s Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari recently revealed his ambitions regarding the party and said that they do not plan on giving up the fight against the ruling government. Zardari said that he had learned from his mother and former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto that we should stay in the system and fight and insisted on giving opposition a walkover.

He stressed that hi sparty is adamant on the motives that it had previously announced. The PPP chairman said that a proposal of a long march starting from march 26 at a luncheon meeting with the lawmakers is in talks ahead of the Senate elections.

Zardari added that the party is not planning to give or resign from the assemblies or boycott the system.He added that the other side, which the ruling party, should not be given a walk over. The leader remembered that the party fought even when they had merely 18 lawmakers in the assembly in 1997. 

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As for the long march, the leader was in favour of it till very recently but only a few days ago he shared that the long march should not be taken beyond the death anniversary of late Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, which is on April 4. He also drew the attention of lawmakers on the upcoming month of Ramzan, which is expected to start from mid-April.

He feared that if the long march is extended, things will not be the same during the Ramzan. However, he was sure that PPP will be returning to Larkana for Bhutto’s anniversary from April 2 or 3. The leader further stressed that neither PPP or PML-N are in favour of resigning from the assemblies.

He dismissed all the rumors that came in during the Senate election controversy. Many believed that the PPP leaders along with Zardari himself will resign from their respective assembly seats but on Monday, all those claims were burned down by Zardari. He called these rumors ‘premature’.

He explained that the vice president of the PML-N party wants to go ahead with a no confidence motion against the incumbent Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani but the there are some confusion among us due to the concept of secret voting, which could in fact be, a little embarrassing for the opposition if gone against them.

The debate around the resignations of the assemblymen again started doing rounds after the PDM president Maulana Fazlur rahman insisted that there was no point in holding a long march if the politicians do not resign from the assemblies. This was after the defeat of the opposition in the election for the Senate Chairman.

The tables turned on March 12 which saw PTI backed Sadiq Sanjrani of the Balochistan Awami Party pulling a 48-42 victory despite the opposition having an upper house in the upper house. Then another resulted that shocked the opposition was a 54-44 election result for the post of deputy chairman where Mirza Muhammad Afridi defeated JUI-F’s Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri.

These two defeats shocked the opposition parties and led leaders of the big three– PDM’s big three – PPP Co-Chairman Asif Zardari, PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif and JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman–to hold telephonic conversation. “PDM leadership will decide on these issues in its 16 March [meeting],” Zardari revealed.

Initially it was projected that it will be a tough appearance for the ruling especially after former Prime Minister Gilani entered the Pakistani political sphere. Gillani defeated the incumbent Finance minister Abdul Hafeez in the Senate elections on the seat from Islamabad. This brought the ruling party in the backfoot, forcing Prime Minister Imran Khan to take a vote of confidence, which he won. With the victory, opposition again listed its chances of bouncing back and the ruling coalition could finally take a breath of relief. The PDM meeting will be conducted on March 16 and that will decide the future of the long march and concerns of the resignation of the assemblymen from the position.

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