Federal Sharia court of Pakistan announced the ruling that individuals cannot have gender surgery at their own discretion. It is not allowed in our religion and a bad concept in society.
After the declaration, Pakistani Transgender activists announced their plan to appeal in High Court against the Sharia Court’s ruling that, “guts a law aimed at protecting their rights”.
Read more | Shariat Court to Take Up Petitions on Transgender Law
The language and anger they used while communicating their demands did not went well with designer Maria Butt, who has been vocal against Transpeople and their plight from a long time.
Transgender Protection Act 2018
The Feseral Shariat Court (FSC) declared that individuals cannot change their gender at their own discretion, asserting that specific clauses within the Transgender person Act 2018 contradict the Islamic law.
The Federal Shariat Court rolled back key provisions granting rights to Pakistan’s transgender community merely five years after the bill was passed.
Maria B shared a screenshot of Twitter post on her Instagram account showing how the transgender activists are using abusive language during the press conference.
The post read, “Fact Check: Heard the press conference of Nayab Ali. The kind of language and abuse used tell us many things about the nature of this individual. Interestingly, she said that the acting CJ of the sharia court did it in a hurry, the case was there in the courts for the last two and half years”.
She also shared a video titled as, “Exposing Pakistani trans activists” and shared how they regret gender-altering surgeries”. She added, the kids who did transgender surgery and now are breaking down in depression”.
Read more | Sara Gul – Pakistan’s only transgender doctor
Maria.B also shared threats to her and Senator Mushtaq for the first time. She said, “May Allah protect us all. May we continue to show people the truth and follow the path of Islam shown to us by our beloved Prophet”.