Pakistan faced a lot health, economical, infrastructure crises due to flood 2022. In Sindh and KP, flood caused a lot of diseases like cholera, malaria, nausea and dengue. Another major loss includes the wheat crop loss.
Due to massive floods, the crop lands of KP and Sindh got damaged heavily. The wheat crop delayed from its season due to excessive flood water in lands. The farmers are not ready to crop in field because of financial crises. In this regard Sindh government decided to provide seed and fertilizers subsidy to farmers.
Wheat is the major exporting and used Rabi crop of Pakistan which is probably harvest in November but due to lack of fertilizers and a lot of rainfall, farmers ended its harvesting in December. The agriculture department is still hopeful for better outcome.
Decline in crop production
The director general of agricultural extension Sindh Hidayat Ullah Chanjro said that “next year is election year and due to loss in crop production, the wheat price will increase from its normal ratings”
The farmers are trying their best for increase in production of cotton maize and other crops but floods affected the lands massively. The government of Sindh announced Rs 5000 per acre subsidy and 13.5 billion for other expenditures on a whole.
The agricultural office of Sindh government explained on whole average of last year as 3.5 million tons of grain was cropped on average estimate of 4 million tons. This year the estimate is already set to downfall as 3.8 million tons grain on average.
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Financial help for farmers
Hidayat ullah chanjro further explained that we have already harvested good amount of cotton and rice in clear areas of Sindh, good climatic conditions will result average amount of crop of rice and cotton in 2023 hopefully. But still some areas are under water and farmers are waiting to crop in affected areas.
Due to flood, rice crop has already lost from average of 75 pc, despite having the best crop average last year. The government is ready to help farmers in harvesting and providing all financial help for better results.