Pakistan faces polio shock fifth case comes to light in Karachi, urgent steps needed

pakistan faces polio shock fifth case comes to light in karachi, urgent steps needed

pakistan faces polio shock fifth case comes to light in karachi, urgent steps needed

In disturbing news, the Ministry of Health reported on Saturday that a child in Karachi has been diagnosed with polio, the fifth case in Pakistan this year. The confirmed case is from UC Gujru of Gadap Town, Karachi East.

Caretaker Health Minister Dr. Nadeem Jan assured that immediate steps are being taken to eradicate polio in response to this development. The incident comes after it was confirmed on November 2 that polio virus was detected in an environmental sample in Sindh’s Karachi district.

The Ministry of Health shared that the virus causing polio in Pakistan is linked to a group of similar viruses in Afghanistan. Sadly, this year, there have been more polio cases in Pakistan than 20 cases in 2022, which is a step backward from the progress in 2021 when only one case was reported, making us almost free of the disease.

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It’s important to know that Pakistan and Afghanistan are the only two places in the world where polio still threatens the health of children.

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The return of polio cases shows that getting rid of it completely is still a big challenge. We need to work together by giving kids vaccines, making people aware, and getting help from other countries to keep children safe from polio.

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